Thursday, April 22, 2021

Solastalgia & What to Do About It

Hi Everyone...

This is a very good piece in Discover Magazine on Solastalgia and what we can do about it.

Two good quotes:

"People might feel the grief, but it's not something that has been legitimized in society," Ellis says. Most of Western society lacks rituals to help us mourn nature. There are no monuments for the Amazon forest, no last rites for extinct species. Yet things are changing: In 2019, a community in Iceland came together for a funeral for a melted glacier." 

"We need role models for how to talk about our climate worries and how to deal with them. We also need to start discussing these issues openly, admitting our fears without shame. We should do it together, almost like group therapy. So, I'll go first: Hello, my name is Marta, and I have climate anxiety. I'm scared about the future of our planet. I'm grieving."